c r a s h l a n d i n g

You are safe to lean in to what this season is asking of you.

You are safe to let go of your old “structures” – the ones that held you in place in a time when you needed accountability. You’ve developed great discipline and learned when to hold yourself to a structure and when you need to relax.

This is a time to relax – to fully rest in the current that is carrying you to shore.

There’s no more work to do here, but to sit in holy wait of what is to come.

It is painful because it is triggering you in ways that remind you of your past. But you are a new person now. You are different. Your life can’t play out the way it did before because you are no longer that person. Your life will go the way it’s supposed to according to who you are today.

Imagine you were sailing a ship, one you built in the land you came from. One built with old wood and the techniques you learned a long time ago. It traveled the seas and brought you this far, but it crashed among the rocks just outside of the new land you were approaching.

You grabbed your dearest belongings and held tightly to the driftwood, begging the sea not to swallow you, reminding yourself you are protected and you know you are in the right place, that this is where you were meant to be...

Your ship just didn’t make it to the shore.

And trying to swim against the waves to get closer to the beach on your own only proves pointless because it pulls you off your driftwood, out of safety, makes you lose the last bit of treasures you have left… and fully exhausts you. 

Just wait it out.

Let the waves slowly rock you to the shore.

Save your energy. You will need it when you arrive.

Where you’re landing, you no longer need this old ship, the one that’s carried you this far. It is far too worn to travel any further. Even though it fell to pieces and felt like you were losing a part of who you are, you are only losing this vessel, this old way of transportation. You don’t need this where you’re going. 

You have not lost your story, your gifts, your intelligence, your courage, your faith, your magic, your song, or any of the other non-physical aspects used to craft this ship and make this journey. 

These are what you need. These are your treasures.

The only things you need in this new land are the ones you carry inside. 

Everything else has been prepared for you, and your home has already been built. 

You will be received with open arms and welcomed into the space where you are meant to last a lifetime. 

So yes, you can mourn the ship that sailed you here – you put so much of your time and energy into it and spent a great amount of time living by how it served you – but offer along with the mourning a thanksgiving for the ways it gave you safe travels thus far. 

You are in a new world now.

Let go and embrace the fact that you truly do not know what your full experience will be – you do not how it will feel exactly or what it will look like.

You might have seen glimpses of what is to come, but that is only the tiniest shimmer of what it will actually look and feel like once you’re there. It was only the brochure calling you into adventure, not a documentary of what the full realization will be.

Trust that what is before you is infinitely better than what you left behind.

In this new world is peace and calm.

In this new world, you are the creator and life flows to and from you, not against you.

This new world offers recovery and healing for your deepest wounds, a place where you can truly live and be as you are.

You believed so deeply in this world, and you knew that somewhere out there, it existed, even if it was very far away. You were determined to find it. You did everything in your power to craft the ship, align to the right direction, and set off across the oceans to reach this destination.

Your ship sinking is not proof that you’ve failed, no – it is proof of your success.

It is proof that your creations are strong and your wisdom is rooted in truth, that your navigation system worked.

Treat this like a grand vacation – one where you set the destination, and you packed only what you need.

You found a way to get directly to the places you wanted to experience most while you were there.

You can’t plan everything, you can only arrive.

And you wouldn’t want the responsibility of dragging a full ship around when all you need are your own two feet walking down a sidewalk through an intricately crafted village. 

There’s no space for it, no need for it.

Let it go.

It doesn’t mean you didn’t enjoy the ride, enjoy the view, enjoy the time spent when in motion. You just weren’t meant to stay there.

And just like a vacation, sure… you know pieces of what you will find in this new space, but you don’t want to overplan or overextend along the way.

Savor it.

Take it all in.

Take pictures.

Have fun.

Make new friends.

Make new memories.


This is the new beginning.

You’ve landed.

Keep your eyes open for the shore.