When You're Freaking Out About Sharing Something You've Created Online


Don’t invalidate your own creations - what you loved before you shared… do you still love it?

Is your truth found in the response you receive from others or is it in your own value of your work?

Your thoughts, posts, content, creations, work, etc., is not failing.

Consistently putting yourself out there is vulnerable and brave. 

Just like anything else in your life, sharing something you’ve created with the world will highlight all the fears you already have, all the triggers and doubts and questions already at play.

Having a good relationship with sharing your work (just like any relationship!) requires setting healthy boundaries, considering your purpose for what you’re sharing before you share it, being honest, staying consistent with what works well for you, and hanging in there when there is sometimes radio silence… because it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re sharing online.

Sometimes there's just no response. AND THAT’S OKAY.

It might feel uncomfortable at times, but that doesn’t mean you’re bad at what you’re doing.

Think about how it would feel to stand in front of a crowD of people holding a poster with your face on it while you read the caption out loud.

Some people will walk away, some will smile in appreciation for your bravery, and some will just give it a nod. Some won’t even notice you standing there. 

But to someone, you will capture their full attention. 

To someone, you will say exactly what they needed to hear in that exact moment and they will stop whatever they’re doing no matter where they are going to hear what you have to say.

In fact, they might take a moment to engage in a quick conversation. 

If you’re lucky, they will want to see and hear more of what you have to offer…

They might even want to keep in contact, snap a picture, or share what they saw and heard with someone else in their life.

But none of this can happen if you never put up your sign.

So what is so important to you that you are willing to stand up and share your message about, regardless of how many people pass you by?

Is it worth it to you that even if a thousand people pass you up, the one might receive your wisdom? That one might be impacted by your thoughts, your words?

It takes more than one day to build your audience, it takes more than one post to spread your message, and more than one try to sow your seeds.

And what do we know about seeds?

Well, they take a while to grow… and that doesn’t make them faulty, does it?

And if there’s nothing that feels that exciting, inspiring, or important for you to say right now… then don’t. You get to decide. You get to choose, always.

The point is to never give up on something that you know is for you.

You’ve got this.

Keep sharing your amazing creations.

The world needs them.