s t a r

Walking into the fire

I am unafraid

I know I will remain


For I know I am

One with the flames

A burning ember

A burning rage

An endless power

An endless grace

With my head high

And a steady pace

I move in

I take my place

I am alight

I come ablaze

All knowing shows

Across my face

As I look high

And give my thanks

To the One who

Made me this way


a c t i v a t i o n

Where are we going?

You already know

The destination was chosen

Eons ago

The path has been laid

Systems upgraded

Directions received

Sight integrated

Past present future

All aspects online

One thing to answer

Are you committed this time?

Life as you know it

End of the line

Need confirmation?

Chills up your spine

No turning back now

No time to waste

No time to question

If you have what it takes

It’s all inside you

It’s time to come out

Are you ready to play?

Without a doubt

a c t i v a t i o n

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