
what's here in the d a r k n e s s

What’s here in the darkness is a rich, inner well, a goldmine, so full to the brim that it’s taken days at a time to process and experience the depth of the medicine available to me and through me.

For years I have cultivated this.

For years I have tilled this soil.

For years I have built this foundation, fine-tuning and refining, rooting and uprooting, shifting and mending.

And what’s left here is an immense treasure, a stronghold, a fortress.

A castle.

An entire ecosystem where death leads to rebirth, where life gives unto life, where every exhale is an inhale, where what’s composted becomes fuel for the soul.

Nothing is wasted here.

Nothing is forgotten.

All is worthy, and beautiful.

All is sacred.

I no longer have to work, for the grounds work themselves. 

As nature, all unfolds and becomes and is.

All exists in a pure and steady excellence.

It is mystery, and it is law.

What is birthed from this garden will be light.

What is created in this sanctuary will be breath to the breathless.

May we overflow.

May the richness ripen and the harvest ensue. 

There is abundance to share.

There is an offering of joy and hope and rest.

There is a wealth of thanksgiving, of deep resolve.

There is holy, compassionate love.

This is our home, our safe dwelling… our landing.